About 20% of today's diamond trade is supplied by Russia. The diamonds from Siberia, many coming from rare kimberlite volcanoes (only about 1,000 worldwide), have a reputation for superior quality and are among the most sought after jewels. Only about 100 of all kimberlite volcanoes have conditions ideal for diamond mineralization. There are about 14 mines in the Siberian diamond fields. As early as 1941, surveyors first began locating sites in the Siberian Shield that would prove promising for diamond mining. And mining first began in 1949 in ver Vilyui, in central Siberia. Limited alluvial deposits of diamonds have been mined in the Ural Mountains in Russia since 1829, however most Russian diamond production comes from the Siberian kimberlite mines. The mining conditions in Siberia are among the harshest in the world. However, the Russian miners tackle the conditions of the harsh environment and climate with success to bring forth from the earth some of its most beautiful gems, the elegant Ballerina Diamond--hearty, timeless and strong with an enduring beauty that has lasted the ages. Domain Purchase Cost: $1,650,000Ballerina Diamonds - Pure Diamonds - The only way to say it's "Pure Love"Contact: info@ballerinadiamonds.com |